Saturday, December 28, 2019

The American Red Cross Club - 877 Words

1. Tell us about a Community Service project which was personally significant to you. Describe your involvement. As a member of the American Red Cross Club, I have great opportunities to actively engage in many community services that give me chances to make profound contributions to the society and effectively develop leadership skills along the way. Throughout my time serving in the American Red Cross Club, I have participated in a number of different projects, range from supporting the military members and their families, assisting the animal shelters, to hosting monthly blood drives. Yet, the â€Å"Spooky Skedaddle Halloween Carnival†, an event that raises funds for the Texas School for the Deaf Foundation during Halloween time, left the most significant and remarkable impact on me. During the service, I learned how to effectively run a fundraising event. I learned to use sign language to communicate in the deaf culture. The service helps me grow and build long lasting re lationships with people, whom I was greatly inspired by. It was my pleasure to be able to work and have close interaction with many talented and passionate deaf people, who never cease to do amazing things regardless of their disabilities. â€Å"The only disability in life is a bad attitude,† I learned. 2. Tell us a time when you held leadership role in a significant group project or task, in professional setting or extra-curricular activities. Describe how you led the efforts. In summer 2015, I was theShow MoreRelatedWhat Is The American Red Cross?1619 Words   |  7 Pages What is the American Red Cross? The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need, states their website. They perform this undertaking through five chief service areas: disaster relief, support of America s military families, plasma donation, health and safety services, and international services. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sex Trafficking And Its Effects On Society - 1416 Words

Force, fraud, or coercion to commit a commercial sex act with either an adult or causing a minor to commit the commercial sex act is called sex trafficking (shared hope). In other words, it is another name for sex slavery. In a journal article I read called â€Å"The Frequency of Burns Among the Victims of Sex Trafficking in Some Lower-Middle-Income Countries† by Mohsen Rezaeian, he wrote, â€Å"human trafficking can be considered as the mediator of modern slavery. Evidence suggests that human trafficking is going to surpass other varieties of trafficking including arms and drugs. It has been estimated that annually sex trafficking of young females is worth $32 billion. This explains why 49% and 21% of detected modern day slave victims are women and girls, respectively.† (Science Direct) When I think about slavery, I think about the horrific acts of slavery in the 1800’s, where African Americans were treated as the scum between our toes. Sex slavery, or sex traff icking, to me, is treating those victims the same as the African Americans were treated. Victims are lured into the business with numerous promises, all they have to do it commit the horrendous act. Being involved in prostitution, sexual performance, or pornography for something like money, food, clothes, drugs, or shelter is committing a commercial sex act. The ways that the traffickers, or pimps, recruit their victims comes in many different shapes and sizes. They could promise them love and protection, or jobs with hugeShow MoreRelatedSex Trafficking : A Common Issue For A Long Time1394 Words   |  6 Pages Sex trafficking can happen everywhere. People do not even realize when it is happening. Someone could be living their life, just as they normally do, and decided to go to the mall. Sometimes they may not even know that a little kid is going to be kidnapped, and later raped. This is what sex trafficking is. Sex trafficking is commonly defined as when violence, drugs, lies, or any other form of coercion is used to force another person to have sex against their will. (Sex Trafficking in the U.S, 1)Read MoreThe Rights Of Immigration And Citizenship Essay1564 Words   |  7 Pagesmarket determine the standing and social worth of non-citizens in America society. The visibility of sex trafficking within the labor market becomes the issue in immigrants agency. Because many of the opportunities in the market are illegal the channels to remain employed are often underrepresented in reports and cases in the exploitation of sexual labor (U.S. Department of State, 2016). Accordingly, U.S policies on sex trafficking are driven more by ideology than empirical evidence (Brent and LerumRead MoreHuman Trafficking, the Modern Slavery1034 Words   |  5 PagesPerspectives Essay #2 Human Trafficking Causes and Effects Human Trafficking, The Modern Slavery Introduction Human trafficking is a big problem all around the world. Every year, thousands of men, women and children are kidnapped by traffickers, and forced into sexual exploitation and slavery. In this essay, I will talk about the causes of human trafficking and what effects it has on the victims, families, and society. Causes The cause of human trafficking is mainly the organized criminalsRead MorePornography Addiction Essay1272 Words   |  6 PagesSexual exploitation by selling sex is one of the oldest businesses in human history. But the world has never seen such an increase in the acceptance of pornography than in the last 25 years. Neither has the world ever been in a place where sexually explicit material is so accessible to everyone, in the privacy of their own homes, due to the internet. Because of the growth of the social acceptance and universal accessibility of pornography, the effects have been widespread and damaging. PornographyRead MoreThe Worlds Oldest Profession1574 Words   |  7 Pagesterrible lifestyle. In today’s society, sex sells. There are many factors that are making sex a commodity that can be bought or sold. There is a quote that states â€Å"Prostitution is the world s oldest profession†. Some find this statement true but there are many advocates groups who are fighting to end this profession. In this paper we will explore the history, the business side, the players who are involve in the world of prostitution and how it is related to sex trafficking. Also the different factorsRead MoreGlobalization And Sexuality1247 Words   |  5 Pagesare sexual trafficking and sexual slavery. Sexual trafficking means that individuals are willing to move from their country for sexual trade in another country. It may also mean that the individuals are forced to move from their country with the aim of being used for sex in other countries. On the other hand, sexual slavery is the sale of people for sexual purposes. The rate by which such practices are growing shows that glob alization is advancing at high speed and with major effects (Amar 175).Read MoreHuman Trafficking : A Nation s Economy, Political, And Legal Factors1383 Words   |  6 PagesHuman trafficking is the trade of humans by force, mainly women and female children, for the purposes of sexual slavery, sexual exploitation, and domestic labor. Global human trafficking has often been labeled as modern- day slavery; however the history and causes have been identifiable just as the causes of traditional slavery have been. What causes human trafficking? In this present paper, the hypotheses on the primary causes of global human trafficking will be identified. There are three majorRead MoreThe introduction of new technological advanced innovations and methods during the Market Revolution1700 Words   |  7 Pagesoutcomes due to the spread of ideas, goods, and services, many neglect the detrimental results. Due to modern mechanism of transportation and production, ideas, goods and services arent the only things transported across national borders. Human trafficking, the transportation of people across international borders, increased tremendously after the Market Revolution and continues to be a dominant issue in present day. Although some people cross borders in search of a better life, an abundance of peopleRead MoreThe Global Impact Of Human Trafficking1640 Words   |  7 PagesThe Global impact of Human Trafficking Human trafficking is a global issue that receives very little attention throughout the modern world; this issue effects every country on the global and all different types of cultures. Hillary Clinton said in 2009 â€Å"Trafficking thrives in the shadows, and it can be easy to dismiss it as something that happens to someone else, in somewhere else, but that is not the case. Trafficking is a crime that involves every nation on earth, and that includes our own.† (BehnkeRead MoreHuman Trafficking Essay1524 Words   |  7 PagesHuman trafficking, or the selling and buying of people, is a well-hidden yet prominent issue within today’s society. It is both an immoral and horrific topic that needs brought to attention and dealt with. When human beings are manipulated into work, sexual servitude, or economic hardship, human trafficking is occurring. In the year of 2006, only one individual is convicted of human trafficking per 800 victims (UNGIFT). By looking at straight stati stics, reasons human trafficking happens, and the

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Business Rules and Their Relationship to Effective Data Management

Question: Describe the business rules and their relationship to effective data management. Answer: Introduction Data management is an asset for the companies that includes into the production and manufacturing activities. The value of the data is quite difficult to be valued, as it can be done with the corporate assets of the company. Data of the company has to be effectively handled and used for improving the intelligence environment within the company. The data quality, its role for the business improvement, and other relevance has to be analysed by the management. This will enable the company to face different challenges that exists at the workplace. By implementing an effective data analysis method, it is possible to introduce data management program, which will assist the company (Business Rules Forum, 2008). Data management system is a process through which the roles, policies, responsibilities, and procedures related to the maintenance, acquisition, disposition of the data, and dissemination is planned and executed. There is a direct relationship between the data management model and dissemination is handled. Through this method, the company develops or partners with different technology groups and ensure to use the data quality management system in the best possible manner. Business rules are established, so as to ensure that the response system can be developed for evaluating the quality of the acquired data (Fard et al., 2010). Information technology department or team of the company are responsible for handling different tasks like the technical facilities, architecture, databases, systems and others. Such process helps in acquiring and maintaining the electronic data assets possess by the company. Business operational activities include decision making and rendering the best possible services to the customers. Planning for rendering such services are done on the basis of the collected data from different resources. Data warehouse is used for examining the changing business trends. Such an analysis would help in developing and implementing an effective strategy that will be useful for accomplishing the tasks for the future. Every company strive for improving the customer relationship management system. In this factor, data is collected regarding the customer preferences, expectations, and other factors. This will help in making the accurate decision through which the required changes for business execution can be introduced. Financial data can be retrieved to check the profitability possibilities for the company. Good data and appropriate usage of the same is an important strategy (Jun et al., 2006). Relational model and entity relationships and how they support business rules. Entity relationship model is an ideal option for handling the important data about the company. The data model describes the information or the data important for handling the process requirements. The database is associated with the relational database. Entity relationship model is defined as a systematic way for describing or defining the process of the business conduct. The components of the business are linked with the dependencies or the requirements that exists between different components (Kamalian et al., 2010). The model is used for handling the data management system, which includes the program manager, business analyst, and data analyst. Data quality management program includes reactive and proactive components. In the proactive component the business rules associated with the defining the responsibilities of the company, analysing the quality expectations, and analyse the important supporting business practices. The technical environmental factor has to be analysed as this will help in developing an effective strategy for business development (Khan et al., 2010). Conceptual data model is considered to be a secured system, which enables the business to use differentiate the references that are used for the data entities. This method is known to be the foundation of the data entity method that is being chosen by the comment. The development of the enterprise conceptual framework model is meant to support the document related to the data architect factors (Latt, 2008). With the help of the reactive component the problem associated with analysing the data is carried out. In the legacy system, the quality of the data is analysed through different strategies. The inadequate information is excluded from the ones that are considered to be important. Business rules are associated with the adoption of the better strategies that will improve the relationship of the company with the existing and potential clients. The relevance or the usage of the information or data collected by the management can be used for various purposes. The data useful for analysing the customer preferences might not be useful for the financial department. Such a process creates huge problem for the execution of the tasks and using the data in the right manner (Mani, 2010). Organization change is one of the important policies or rules drafted by the company. The values and benefits associated with the change system have to be understood in an effective manner. This would help the managers to handle the business intelligence environmental factors. The issues arising in this case would help the management in overpowering the challenges involved in the process. Problem associated with the data quality issue are analysed through the implementation of the business intelligence projects. The change program plans an essential role in assisting the company to analyse the relevance of the issues and the methods to deal with the same (Matthew et al., 2009). Business analysts play a key role in identifying the business requirements like the quality, customer services, technical changes, and other factors. It is essential to include the details into the data quality requirement system. The selection of the data model has to be done after analysing the future of the company and the objectives decided to be achieved by the management. Through the data model, it is possible for the management to develop and implement the best data acquisition method. This would help in improving the delivery process. The quality requirements can be checked and the corrective measures can be introduced within the system. For this, the data requirements can be used for defining the quality requirements, designs, and other factors are closely evaluated. This would help in managing the data, and use the same as the corporate asset. The roles are defined, as this will assist in improving the quality of services proposed to be rendered to the clients (Oluseyi, Ay o, 2009). Challenges faced by the company in managing the business rules The implement on of the data model for improving the business performance is a complex task. Management has to analyse the challenges involved with the process of implementing the data. This will help in overpowering the issues and introducing the best strategies that would help in business development. It is challenging to introduce a formal data quality evaluation method. Some of the factors required for executing the task have been included below Business unit and department are held responsible for the problem arising with the system. This makes it quite challenging for the management to introduce the best system that will improve the quality of services (Rukhmani et al., 2010). Introduction of the cross functional cooperation method, which is required for executing the task. Implementing discipline for improving the quality of the database system has to be evaluated. Companies are unwilling to spend on the implementation of the database management system Return on the investment is not easy to be quantified. The challenge is associated with the single business unit. The business unit use the data that is used for including the response task that is required the data in the best possible manner. The data once stored into the computer dont willingly take the responsibility for the wrong acts performed by one or the group members. The business rules needs to be integrated with the IT system for the data, which is required for executing different tasks at the workplace. It is necessary to introduce an effective management system for the data quality through which the process can be carried out in the right manner. The caring system has to be lined and introduced in the appropriate manner. This will enable the company to make the people responsible which are required for executing the task. Before investing in the installation of the data management system the benefits has to be analysed. Calculating the profit or benefits associated with such a process is quite a challenging task. This is on e of the reasons; the management doesnt choose to invest in the purchase and installation of the system. Such a factor impacts the willingness of the management to introduce the better system through which the data issue can be used in the right manner. The model selection is one of the challenging tasks and the same has to be correlated with the business rules and objectives. This will help in improving the quality of services intended to be provided to the company (Rynes et al., 2004). Conclusion The data management system is quite a crucial factor for the company. Selection of the model and method depends upon various factors like the benefits and the usage of the system. In this case, the challenges involved in the process of implementation of the process have to be analysed. This is necessary for deriving the data that can be used for business management. With the help of the data management system, it is possible for the company to choose the better data, and use the same in the right manner. References Business Rules Forum 2008. Practitioners' Panel: The Real World DOs and DON'Ts of Business Rules,"Business Rules Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Mar. 2009), URL: Fard, H. D., Ghatari, A. R., Hasiri, A., (2010). Employees Morale in Public Sector: Is Organizational Trust an Important Factor? European Journal of Scientific research, 46 (3), 378-390. Jun, M., Cai, S., Shin, H. (2006). TQM practice in maquiladora: antecedents of employee satisfaction and loyalty. Journal of Operations Management, 24, 791-812 Kamalian, A. R., Yaghoubi, N. M., Moloudi, J., (2010). Survey of Relationship between Organizational Justice and Empowerment (A Case Study). European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 24, 165-171. Khan, K. U., Farooq, S. U., Ullah, M. I., (2010). The Relationship between Rewards and Employee Motivation in Commercial Banks of Pakistan. Research Journal of International Studies, 14, 37-52 Latt, K. A., (2008). Motivating People on the way towards Organizational Performance. Victoria University (Australia), intern analyst, Covalence SA, Geneva. Mani, V., (2010). Development of Employee Satisfaction Index Scorecard. European Journal of Social Sciences, 15 (1), 129-139 Matthew, J., Grawhich, Barber, L. K., (2009). Are you Focusing both Employees and Organizational Outcomes. Organizational Health Initiative at Saint Louis University Oluseyi, S., Ayo, H. T., (2009). Influence of Work Motivation, Leadership Effectiveness and time Management on Employees Performance in some Selected Industries in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. European journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 16, 7-17. Rukhmani, K., Ramesh, M., Jayakrishnan, J., (2010). Effect of Leadership Styles on Organizational Effectiveness. European Journal of Social Sciences, 15 (3), 365-369. Rynes, S. L., Gerhart, B., Minette, K. A., (2004). The Importance of Pay in employee Motivation: Discrepancies between What People say and what they do. Human Resource Management, 43 (4), 381-394. Tella, A., Ayeni, C. O., Popoola, S. O., (2007). Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Organizational commitment of Library Personel in Academic and Research Libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-16 Viorel, L., Aurel, M., Virgil, M. C., Stefania, P. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Sex Tourism In Thailand Essay Example For Students

Sex Tourism In Thailand Essay Sex Tourism in ThailandAs we enter a new millenium the post-colonial nations in the world are still searching for ways to compete in an increasingly globalized, consumption driven economic environment. Many developing countries have speculated that Tourism is an effective catalyst for development as well as increased international understanding. Thailand, who has embraced tourism as the key to its modernization strategy, has been hailed by many as a paradigm for success. Over the past twenty years Thailand has enjoyed one of the fastest economic growth rates of any developing country. This rapid progress has allowed Thailand to emerge as an economic leader in the Third world. The $4 billion a year in tourism revenue is the core support of the Thai economy (Bishop, p. VI). Thai officials have attributed the success of the tourism industry to the many attractions located in various parts of the country as well as the uniqueness of the Thai people their friendliness and hospitality (Bi shop, p. 67). However the Thai government has failed to recognize the contributions of sex tourism which is estimated to generate about $1.5 billion every year, according to Professor Krikiat Phiapatserithan of Thammasat University (World congress, regional profiles, p. 3). Thailands failure to recognize the sex tourism is reflective of the discourse used by the worldwide tourism industry to analyze the industrys success. From the standpoint of the tourism industry the success of tourism is directly related only to economic factors, anything else is seen as unnecessary.It is in the best interest of tourism corporations and the countries that are dependent on tourism to discourage the circulation of information regarding any of the potential negative effects related to tourism. The censorship of information by these entities has caused much of the general public to be ignorant of the adverse consequences of the mass tourist industry in Thailand. The purpose of this paper is to give a n overview of the sex tourism, using Thailand as the basis of my investigation. I will begin by shedding light on the complex social and economic factors that has formed the modern sex industry of Thailand. Then I will link the damaging effects to the Thailands cultural values and quality of life to the emergence of child sex tourism, which in recent years has immerged as a significant contributor of tourist revenue. Subsequently I will give examples of how deliberate manipulations of information by the Thai government and the tourism industry is responsible for the spread of inaccurate images relating to sex tourism. Then I will attempt to link the manipulation of information to tourists behaviors and attitudes as well as Thai government policy. In conclusion I will give the future outlook for sex tourism in Thailand. Historical, Social and Economic Roots:Vietnam is believed by many to be the beginning of the creation of a large-scale sex industry in Thailand. During the Vietnam War Thailand was a popular destination for rest and relaxation for American servicemen. To meet the demands of American soldiers, who were eager to pay for a temporary sexual partner, new brothels and go-go bars sprang up almost overnight. Following the war the Thai government took an active stance in promoting the growth of the tourist industry in the hope that it would contribute to the modernization process. The half-a-million prostitutes left over from the war were seen as a commodity that could be actively exploited in exchange for the influx of much needed foreign currency. Sex tours from Japan brought many free spending Japanese that significantly aided to the rapid growth of tourism. Tourist arrivals jumped from one million in 1973 to five million in 1990. During this time the Thai government made no attempts to cu rb the growth of prostitution. In fact they adopted measures that encouraged its growth. Deputy Prime Minister Boonchoo Rojanasathian urged the national conference of provincial governors to encourage certain entertainment, which might be viewed as disgusting and embarrassing because they are related to sexual pleasures (Jubilee, p. 3). The result of this speech was the relaxation of regulations regarding the operation of bars. Eventually the growth of Thailands tourist industry succeeded in creating rapid economic growth, and modernization. However, Thailand has become so

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cultural Considerations Essays

Cultural Considerations Essays Cultural Considerations Essay Cultural Considerations Essay This paper will analyze and assesses the cultural concerns and influences of today’s societies with assorted civilizations and the consequence on the condemnable justnesss system. The paper will turn to how the cultural concerns and influences affect justness and security disposal and pattern. The paper will demo some modern-day methods by the constabulary and security used in societies of assorted civilizations. The paper will turn to how these influences and considerations relate to and impact nondiscrimination patterns within the condemnable justness system. Finally. the paper will turn to Sir Robert Peel’s nine rules and how they fit into today’s constabulary sections. The military business of legion states in the Middle East and Europe has brought constabulary patterns into inquiry. The local constabulary forces have been trained by the armed forces in which the regulations are different. The free people are enduring maltreatment at the custodies of the constabulary in those states. In those instances where hawkish jurisprudence is present and security is more prevailing. the constabulary appear to work more for the current busying military than for that country’s authorities or the people. More than 200 instances of anguish have either been investigated or tribunal marshaled by the United States in misdemeanor of the United Nations anti-torture organic structure in 2006. This addition in anguish may be caused by racial. cultural. and spiritual differences in the modern-day War on Terrorism ( French A ; Wailes. 2008 ) . The maltreatment on that graduated table does non happen within the United States ; nevertheless. a job still exists with the appraisal of constabulary and security forces. These patterns are scrutinized by the military. authoritiess. security bureaus. and local and foreign constabulary. Of class. these patterns question favoritism and profiling. Profiling is one of the major concerns here in the United States. Some confusion issues between profiling and racial profiling. A individual can non be profiled by a constabulary officer based on colour. sex. faith. or civilization. However. a individual can be profiled if he or she matches the description of a suspect. The steps presently used to measure officers are nonsubjective and may unwrap intimate facets of the individual tested. The criterion for acknowledgment in the United States is the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies ( CALEA ) that was established in 1979. Psychological testing is in topographic point. nevertheless ; criterions are non set by CALEA. and each bureau conducts their ain testing ( Gallic A ; Wailes. 2008 ) . In 1973. the National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals recommended that every constabulary bureau follow a formal choice procedure that includes a written trial of mental ability or aptitude. an unwritten interview. a psychological scrutiny. and a background probe. It was believed that presenting greater showing and standardisation to the choice procedure would ensue in a more qualified constabulary force. International Association of Chiefs of Police ( IACP ) developed several guidelines for pre-employment psychological ratings. These recommendations address such issues as proof of proving instruments. conformity with statute law. such as the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ) . utilizing qualified psychologists familiar with the relevant research. and content of the written studies ( Cochrane. Tett A ; Vandercreek. 2008 ) . Conformity with such Acts of the Apostless as the ADA indicates the execution of diverseness in the testing procedure. A few of the most common comprehensive personality trials given to patrol officers during their psychological testing include the undermentioned: Neurosis. Extraversion. and Openness ( NEO ) Personality Inventory. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 ( MMPI-2 ) . and Inwald Personality Inventory ( IPI ) . Traits from the NEO Personality Inventory–Revised. which was based on the five-factor theoretical account of personality. hold besides shown to be prognostic of police public presentation. The MMPI-2 and the IPI have been shown to be effectual in foretelling several occupation standards for constabulary officers every bit good ( Cochrane. Tett A ; Vandercreek. 2008 ) . Today’s American policing and justness system is based on English rules and English common jurisprudence. One such tradition was limited constabulary authorization. This gives manner to autonomies and freedoms and bounds governmental authorization. Another tradition was the localised constabulary control as opposed to a national. centralized police force as experienced in many other states. This turned out to be both an advantage and a hurt. The localisation resulted in atomization and decentalisation of jurisprudence enforcement. The advantage was geting small national control ( Walker A ; Katz. 2011. p. 24 ) . Peel believed that bar of offense could be accomplished without irrupting into the lives of citizens so he developed the nine rules of community policing. His first construct was the basic mission of constabulary was to forestall offense and upset. The bar of offense makes the occupation easier of the constabulary. Police presence is disincentive. therefore prevents offense from happening. This is the footing for today’s community patroling construct. The populace must besides O.K. of the actions of the constabulary in the public presentation of their responsibilities. The people must work voluntarily with the constabulary in observation of the Torahs to keep public order ( History. 2002 ) . The public must follow voluntarily with the Torahs and work with the constabulary. Most people do what is morally right ; in bend the constabulary besides must make what is legitimately right. The constabulary are directed by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights to safeguard every citizen’s right from intervention from authorities. These doctrines are still observed today. If a citizen does non O.K. of the behavior of the constabulary. a ailment is filed. If the populace does non hold with a jurisprudence. they work to do alterations. If the populace fails to detect the jurisprudence. there are effects. such an apprehension or a all right. Another construct concerns the usage of physical force to derive conformity. The populace is concerted with the constabulary whereas physical force non need be employed. If conformity is non gained and physical force is required. the force will non be so great as to be considered inordinate ( History. 2002 ) . The Constitution provides rights to the people and protects them from the constabulary in this country. Laws in most provinces specifically write out what is considered force. when and how it can be used. Last. the constabulary are specifically trained in the application of force through agencies of assorted arms and manus to manus combat. This force is non to be inordinate. non to be used as penalty. or in a punitory mode. The force used is that sensible force to consequence and apprehension. to protect oneself or another from decease or great bodily injury. The constabulary serve both the populace and the jurisprudence. they shall non demo nonpartisanship. but to the jurisprudence. The officers are besides members of the populace. Any involvement the populace has would besides be involvement to the constabulary ( History. 2002 ) . In this instance. the officer may come from any background may be either sex or any race. The officer must demo equity to members of other groups and non know apart against those members or members of his or her ain group. The officer shall handle everyone every bit every bit as possible. The constabulary are hired to continue the jurisprudence. at the same clip function the populace. Peel’s theory indicates. when a struggle arises. the service to the jurisprudence should outweigh the public service. This construct is contradictory to today’s patterns. Patroling has become customer service-oriented. where the client is ever right. The officers are members of the populace. when they are in an off responsibility capacity. they are afforded the same rights as any other citizen. However. they should regulate themselves as an solid citizen because they do stand for the jurisprudence. The concluding construct indicates the effectivity of policing is the deficiency of offense and upset. This construct is known as preventive policing. In today’s society. the offenses are non happening where there is a high constabulary presence. So. Peel’s rules are still used to some extent. The demographics have changed since his clip. Peoples and offenses have evolved. People’s values have changed. whereas they are tolerant of certain offenses. The attitudes toward constabularies have changed. In a location where there is a strong constabulary presence. fewer offenses occur. This is consistent with Peel’s construct. However. if the demographics of the vicinity are less desirable. the people of the vicinity indicate the constabulary are prejudiced and do non desire the constabulary in the vicinity. Therefore. more offenses occur in this less protected vicinity. If fewer constabulary are present. the response clip for an officer to an incident is longer because there are fewer officers and more calls. The ratio of officers to calls is higher. In these instances favoritism is blamed for the increased of constabulary presence and the deficiency of it every bit good. The affected parties assume they are discriminated against because more constabularies are in their countries. where more offense occurs. However. when the constabulary are non present. they blame the constabulary for the addition in offense because the constabularies are non present. In decision. most of Sir Robert Peel’s rules can be applied to the organisation of a constabulary section today. In fact. many sections in England still work by his rules. Some demand to be altered to suit today’s society to be more customer friendly. The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights demand to be recognized. every bit good such as the Due Process Clauses to both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments if his rules are applied.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethics and Employees Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethics and Employees - Research Proposal Example There is also the general awareness that corporations have to look after all stakeholders that eventually curbs unethical practices. It has been concluded that leaders have a major role to play in creating conditions where the employees are not coerced into unethical practices that are in any case not acceptable by either the law or the society at large. The Objective of Business is to earn profits for its owners, the shareholders. But does it mean an open license for managers to serve their employers without regards to those who help them to achieve the profit motive they work for? Do ends justify means? Are there not other stakeholders; suppliers, employees, consumers and indeed the society which offers them the opportunity to work for profit? With ever present conflicts the managers need to perform a balancing act to satisfy all stakeholders. However the role of the employees is crucial in performance of their obligations, hence a special relationship is required to be developed. Without the trust of the employees and their involvement the business objectives cannot be achieved. Leaders at all level have to be conscious of the fact that they have to set examples of behaviour that will be emulated by their sub-ordinates. These actions have to in consonance with the company’s objective and at the same time have to be balanced right. This balancing is based on principles or ethics. It is becoming evident to business in America that ethical values need to be upheld and become institutionalized (Sims 1991) as this is the desired status by society in general. However the dilemma is squarely faced by the individual manager. He perceives his primary role to be looking after shareholder value (Vogel 1991) in preference to other stakeholders. Therefore they justify the moral result or implication of their unethical behaviour and