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Ecology for Frameworks for Learning -myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theEcology for Frameworks for Learning. Answer: The biggest estate on earth: how Aborigines made Australia, Allen Unwin The book provides how land owned by the Australian people was managed by them in 1788. The book provides how they made management of land possible why they did it and what did it to do it. The book provides an argument that the people during that time considered the Australian state they managed as universal and single. The Australian state was A Remarkable state has no state on the planet was situated on so much land. The state covers an area of 7.7 million square kilometers and includes broad diversity of species and cultures. The Europeans were yet to get any information about the land. They came to know that the Seasons were not always seasonal and in the north they mark two seasons one is wet and the other as dry hi were in the south Four Seasons has been marked by then as sided by then ancestors. Three major facts have been established through this book. It provides that 70% of the Australian plants tolerate on need fire. Therefore the knowledge which provided plant can tolerate fire along with how much and when was a crucial element towards knowing how to manage land. This knowledge could allow the burning of plants so that the regeneration from the post fire good move and situated grazing animals towards selecting the place of feeding and Habitat preferred by them. The shepherding of grazing animals would only be possible in this way as in Australia and like any other place the animals had no serious predators apart from humans. There was no wilderness at all in Australia. An ecological philosophy in form of the law had been imposed by religious sanctions which forced people to provide care for the whole country. The motive of people living in Australia was to only case for the country and to live and die for it. According to the law of the land during that period people had to leave the world in the same form it had been provided to them. Therefore during 1788 practices world conservative however static means were not imposed by this. The management was based on Active activities and was allowed to circumstances and seasons along with being committed to a balance of life (Gammage, 2011). Integrating nature and culture in landscape ecology. InLandscape ecology in Asian cultures The general article provides that the field of landscape Ecology is now a properly established interdisciplinary study which is proved by various features. The features include developing but prominent systems of principles theories applications and concepts. The recognized status of the field is reflected through the adaptation of several universities about the course matter of the study along with the interest of various authors to make research on it. It may be argued that the above discussed features are not adequate to consider landscape ecology as a properly establish interdisciplinary study in a strict sense. The identified limitations can be because of the limitations of consensus with respect to properly articulated research goals and questions along with a proper methodology for the area. Although the area of landscape Ecology has developed it is far from becoming a mature science which could be capable of achieving its objectives of becoming trans-disciplinary. Setting out a theoretical basis and development of a proper methodology along with the demonstration successful application in relation to area based studies so that proper management designing and understanding towards sustainable landscapes can be developed is the most important and challenging role of landscape ecology. Human Geography along with other Social Sciences have a lot of knowledge which can be used by landscape ecologist. They can gain a lot through the integration of holistic and analytical approaches in the field. They have to realize that March is yet to be studied in relation to traditional and contemporary cultural landscapes. Although as the spectrum of the research interest is being expanded which is embarrassing a greater complexity in relation to landscapes along with reaching advanced levels of trans disciplinarily the essential characteristics of landscape Ecology must not be forgotten and emphasis should be on spatial heterogeneity and related spatially appropriate methodology which is in relation to the definition originally provided by Carl Troll and which has been converted to the side-lines of landscape ecology of the modern world (Wu, 2011). Urban ecological systems: Scientific foundations and a decade of progress Journal of Environmental Management The journal article provides that the nature of human habitation has changed predominantly from rural to urban during the last century. Even though the newly developed handloom was not considered by primary ecology during the majority of that same period important contributions towards developing a knowledge about urban environment and those times were made. A significant finding in relation to urban ecology were logical research which focused on both patches within urban complexes along with the function and structure of entire contributions was that the functions related to ecosystem still exist. There are several benefits towards recognizing functioning of the ecosystem in the boundaries of urban complexes such as through the assessment of ecological functions of slowing the flow of water along with promotion of human health and wellbeing the quality of environment downstream along with the life in cities can together be improved. During the past decade conceptions of the urban social-ecological in nature along with methods of structuring them have become originally filtered and mostly differentiated. New demographic and social concepts have been discovered in addition to traditional socio demographic variables. The common relationship among biophysical and socio-economic processes near and in urban complexes frequently can be emphasized on through one or more precarious lenses. The significance of land with respect to the basis for both buyer physical and social processes is provided through the rubric of land change science. Therefore in this theory land main support a more comprehensive concept in relation to human ecosystem. Therefore the connected interactions of biophysical and social spatial heterogeneities actress small scale can be used through the exercise of sufficient level urban structure approach that is in addition linked well with watershed regional social and airshed connections. Through this approach the growing issue of society and Science in relation to sustainability can be applied and enhanced (Picckett et al., 2011). Integrating environment policy with business strategy.Long range planning The paper is related to landscape architectures and land-use planning. The concepts have elongated and differentiated pasts of inspired happenings. In order to provide solution for the existing ecological problems landscape architects and land planners have to be poised uniquely towards the society. They are scholars and professionals who have their focuses on land, creating and designing plans and solving problems. There are few examples which depict impressive harmonies in land such as the Italian country villas and developments of national parks and the major reason for this is that they meshed culture with nature. The planners and designers were mature towards both cultures and nature as they had sufficient knowledge in both. Wildlife populations, wind, water, wet lands, biological patters, physical processes entwined in vegetation and biological patters were included in nature. The varied human dimensions of aesthetics, recreation, community social patters waste handling, transportation and economics are integrated within cultures. The components of culture and ecology had diverged during that time in a few countries. For instance ecology hand matured and moved away from design and planning or primary importance was provided to economics or waste handling were considered as the only problems of engineering. The expertises of landscape architects and land planners have always been restricted to small areas such as shopping malls, housing clusters and small parks. The book aimed to identify and establish major principles of landscape ecology especially those which can be used directly in landscape architecture and land use planning along with illustrating that how such principals could be used in designing and planning projects (Hutchinson, 1996). Ecology and design: frameworks for learning Landscapes are designed by sun and rain, animals and plants, human mind and hands. Whether clipped or wild, straight or curved, plastics or living plants, every region and every garden is a result of human intelligence and natural phenomenon. It is not possible to design a landscape without an expression of concepts about nature even if unconsciously. For many years nature has acted like a model and mirror for the purpose of designing landscapes, has been looked up-to for guidance and inspiration. Nature is both constructed and given. The paper provides for the nature of nature where it states that there are always differences between the definition of nonhuman features and the autonomy prescribed to them. Nature is considered a reflector for and of culture. The concept of nature provides as much in relation to human society as it is done about non human autonomy. Although human culture is described as natures reflection, the ideas also reflect nature. As it is a product of culture, the concept of nature is taken differently from people to people, period to period and place to place. The natural way of doing things have been subjected to dispute even in the same time and place. The nature of planning and landscape designing is also provided by the paper. The paper states that a strong idea is held by landscape architects in relation to nature, whatever it may signify to them they have a tendency of caring about it. The values and belief which are represented by these ideas is usually the reason why this profession is entered upon by them. Te paper provides about constructing nature and state that nature is constructed by landscape architects both figuratively and literally, however the history of the modern landscape architects provides that they followed norms rather than rhetorical expressions and ideas (Melnick, 2001). Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions The paper provides about regions and land mosaics and states that the focus of the society is limited to their own house lots, housing developments and sometimes their towns, however they fail to realize that more large and significant forces are degrading which is going to affect the land we inhabit in a very drastic manner. The paper states that even if there are developments towards few identified natural areas new areas reflecting environmental degradation are coming up. To solve this big emerging problem the areas have to be segregated into different parts and them work needs to be carried out on them. The population of the cities are developing overtime because the birth rate is higher that the mortality rate. Emigration and immigration rates are specially affected by economic fluctuations which results in short term population drops and rise. A dynamic mosaic of nature and people is revealed by the emphasis on the patterns within urban regions. Enhanced approaches in relation to strategy are required mix half nature and people and create a full combination. A city is significant and relatively large municipality. Even with the use of a satellite it is not adequate to identify the boundaries of a city clearly. In urban regions green spaces are an unbuilt area which signifies areas which do not contain closely spaced building. Mostly the green spaces and built areas are required by the cities. Nature is referred to by the natural system but emphasis is placed on its functioning, change and structure. The working of nature is based on species flow and move materials and energy. The paper points out the importance of biodiversity, natures richness, conservations and habitats. It describes urbanization, regions such as bioregions and eco-regions along with its internal and external effects. It also discusses about land mosaic perspective and land ecology (Forman, 2014). Human impacts on ecosystems and landscapes.Placing Nature: Culture in Landscape Ecology The paper provides a discussion on human impacts on ecosystem and landscapes. The paper initiates by stating that it was not necessary for early humans to take care of the land at a rate which is required by the modern society as during that time nature was able to take care of its self. The paper further states that the capacity of biosphere towards sustaining life is ever decreasing. This is because of the ever growing threat from human population growth which results in the increase of energy use and technological innovations. The problems which is faced by the society, lies within the simplicity of physical science and the complexity of social science within the nature. The integrity of the ecosystem is subjected to threats because of rapidly developing technology based on chemistry and physics which have recently largely increased in scale. The entire planate is now been subjected to hazards like chemical toxification, loss of biodiversity, global warming and ozone layer depletion. However it cannot be provided that the advancements made by the technology cannot provide benefits to the environment. For example acid rains in Europe and America have been reduced rapidly through the use of scrubbers used for removing sulfur-di-oxide. The rate of environmental degradation is actually a result of over use of energy by the humans. However in most of the circumstances it is way too easy to derive the benefits of the developing technology then considering the degrading effects of it on the environment. This is particularly more harmful when the long term effects of the problem are considered. However whatever the case may be very less effort is provided to such matters. The advancement in social science which un-dergird law, politics, management and economics have compulsorily came more slowly as compared to advancement in technology. The problems which are being created by the present society is certain to have a band effect on our children and grandchildren (Gorham, 1997). Ecosystem structure and function along urban-rural gradients: an unexploited opportunity for ecology The paper is related to the ecosystem function and structure along urban-rural gradients. Urbanization is a large, unexpected testing which is by now affecting big acreages and spreading across in various areas of the United States. The definitions of urbanization can be states as an increase in the use of energy due to the growth of population along with modification of landscape in an extensive way. Urbanization creates systems which do not allow the persistence of local natural resources. In an urban context natural areas are those which are not extensively managed by humans. Thus they be categorized as lakes, ponds, parks and streams. The purpose of the paper is to show that how urbanization can be used in form of a ecology research subject. The paper states that how the results obtained through urbanization will be able to provide a context for providing answers to ecological questions of common applicability and importance along with the issue that are unique and specific to urbanization. A conceptual framework is also provided by the paper for the purpose of studying urbanization ecologically. The development of urban areas in North America and in reality worldwide signifies the information about ecosystems in relation to urbanization is subjected to increasingly important. The nature and magnitude of the variations in chemical, biotic and physical ecosystems are related urbanization give an extraordinary suit of testing treatment which can be utilized by ecology. The framework which has been proposed by the paper to provide guidance to the integration and design of ecological studies in relation to rural-urban gradients and provides its uses to address fundamental ecological issues. The paper concludes by providing that the components of humans are critical to the study of urban rural gradients for ecological systems (McDonnell Pickett, 1990). References Forman, R. T. (2014).Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions (1995)(p. 217). Island Press. Gammage, B. (2011), The biggest estate on earth: how Aborigines made Australia, Allen Unwin, Crows Nest, N.S.W., pp. 1-17. Gorham, E. (1997). Human impacts on ecosystems and landscapes.Placing Nature: Culture in Landscape Ecology, JI Nas-sauer (Editor). Island Press, Washington, DC. Hutchinson, C. (1996). Integrating environment policy with business strategy.Long range planning,29(1), 11-23. McDonnell, M. J., Pickett, S. T. (1990). Ecosystem structure and function along urban-rural gradients: an unexploited opportunity for ecology.Ecology, 1232-1237. Melnick, R. (2001).Ecology and design: frameworks for learning. Island Press. S.T.A. Picckett et al., (2011), Urban ecological systems: Scientific foundations and a decade of progress Journal of Environmental Management 92 331e362 Wu, J. (2011). Integrating nature and culture in landscape ecology. InLandscape ecology in Asian cultures(pp. 301-321). Springer Japan.

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