Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hipaa And The Health Care Market - 1543 Words

Before we go any further, let us take a few moment to examine what HIPAA is, what purpose it serves, and most importantly how the breach of HIPAA could severely impact our organization financially and hinder us from competing in the health care market. So what is HIPAA? HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is a federal privacy law enacted by the congress in 1996 to protect the individual personal information held by health care organizations and its business associates. The primary purpose of this law is to safeguard the confidentiality and the security of patient personal record whether be it in forms of electronics or non-electronics. Most importantly, HIPAA is created to deter health care entities from illegally disclosing patient information to third party for financial gain other than for the purpose of necessary diagnosis and treatments. The breach of patients’ confidential information does not only jeopardize our reputation and reduce the public trust in our organization, it could also lead to severe financial consequences. Under HIPAA law, if an organization is found guilty of unauthorized disclosure of patient medical record, they could face prison time harsh privacy violation penalty. We are sure that none of us want this to happen to our organization. So how can we prevent medical record security leak and better protect our patients’ privacy while also providing the best care possible to all our patients? The following guidelines andShow MoreRelatedThe Use Of Technology And Its Effects On The United States1145 Words   |  5 PagesAs we know that HIPAA complaints are increasing as the use of technology is increasing in United States. Mobile devices are helpful when it comes to work. However, it all depend who is going to use it and in which way. 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